Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Return

I have returned.

Vacation was supremely restful. I gained a full 5 pounds in my week off, which is awesome. The only bad thing is that my hips are still just as tight because of all the fucking driving.

Today was my first day back in the gym. I wanted to get moving and back in the groove of lifting, but without going to heavy on anything just yet.

Started with some stretching. Then squats: put 135 on the bar and did it for 8 or 9 sets of 5. These felt okay. The form was a little tricky but not bad. Next, put 95 lbs on the bench and hit that for a few sets of 5 and a set of 10. This actually felt good, even though it hurttt because I was tight. Next, loaded up 185 and pulled it for some speedy singles. these felt good. Finally, strict pressed 95 for a few sets.

I'm tight and out of practice, but hopefully monday and tuesday will get me back in the groove nicely, and then I can crush some weight when I max out. It's good to be back.

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