Saturday, August 18, 2012

Fun day

Had a lot of fun in the gym. My uncle with old man strength came by for a visit, and we had fun playing around.

Started with squatting. Warmed up and pulled the sled a bunch of times to get my legs working. Then put on the oly shoes and started working. The style is feeling more and more natural and less and less painful - my strength definitely wasn't at it's best today, but my movement felt pretty good. I hit 135 for a set of 8, then a set of 5, then 225 for 3 and a few singles. Then 255 for 3 singles, then 275 for 2 singles, and Finally went up to 285 and hit it for 1. The heavier reps were definitely a little more awkward, and the rep at 285 was the worst one - slow on the descent and a little sloppy. However, hard as it was I still made it, which is good.

Also... BACK

After that, I pretty much just goofed off. I loaded the prowler up with 4 45's and pushed it for a few rounds, to get in a little bit of conditioning. Then my uncle and I moved the atlas stones around a little bit. Finally, I did some Klokov pressing up to 115 for a double and a couple singles.

Overall it was a fun day. Not as much stretching as I might have wanted, but hey it was a special occasion. And I'm glad I squatted that 285. It wasn't cake, but it's good to know I can do it. Now to rest and cheat on my diet, and prepare for monday.

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