Friday, August 10, 2012


Finally a good max out day! With all the extra squatting bullshit I've been doing, I was worried that today too would be a dissappointment, but luckily it was not. It seems my speed pulls are still doing the trick, and I have consistently made 20-30 lb Prs every time I max out my deadlift. Back rounding was not horrible, not ideal - mostly upper back, no discomfort really, but still I want to try and work on my back strength in the next few cycles. 

Warmed up like this - (135 x 3 singles) x 3, then 225 x 3 singles, 275 x 2 singles. Then the belt, hit 315 x 1, 355 x 1, 385 x 1, and finally 405 x 1. Decided to try one last rep at 425 but had no chance. 

Here's the video: 

So things to work on: back strength - the rounding isn't a big deal, but I want to make SURe it stays not a big deal, so I'm going to try and superset my core work with some lower back work as well. The finish of my deadlift also is a little hitch-y. Not quite a hitch, but close enough that in a comp it might get called and I don't want that. Need to work on bringing the bar to my hips, and not shifting my knees forward under the bar. Other than that, however, a 30 lb pr is pretty awesome. considering 1 year ago at this time my deadlift pr was 275, I'd say this is pretty fuckin great. Hopefully the heavier speedwork + switching to singles will help even more. And, even though the weight I will be squatting are lower, hopefully the high bar will cause my quads and legs to explode, and that will further improve my dead.

 gotta get more BACKKKKK

Speaking of squats, I decided thta for this first cycle, I am simply going to try to do all the weights that I already planned - including the 215 5 x 5. I'm HOPING that, although the first week may be tough, I will adjust to the high bar very quickly, and by week 3 285 will be cake. However, if I get to 285 and can't handle it for more than, say, 2 or 3 reps, I will simply drop my 5/3/1 work back. I'm guessing, however, that I will probably be able to hit it for a solid set once I adjust to the new form. We will see. 

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