Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Stretching, Arms, + Practice squats

Had a nice little gym time today.

Started with some stretching. Did my normal warmup, then 2 minutes in the bottom of a squat. I tried to focus on keeping my toes pointed forward, and getting comfortable in that position. It helps keep my chest up, and helps to maximize torque. Then I did a minute or so stretching my butt, and then 2 minutes a side on the couch stretch.

After stretching, I did a bunch of practice squatting, woven in to my arms training. For arms, this is what I did:

Straight bar cheat curls: bar x 8, 65 x 8, 75 x 3 sets of 8
Dumbell curls, 20 lb dumbells for 3 x 12
21's, one set with 65lbs, one set with the bar.

Got a bit of a pump. I'm trying to work a bit harder on arms day, but I'm not very good at it haha.

As far as squatting goes, I'm finding a groove that feels nice... but I'm not sure if the reason it feels good is because I'm sitting back and dropping my chest hahaha. I don't know If I need to force myself to do whats uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable, or if this groove I'm finding is the best way for me to high bar. We will experiment tomorrow when I have to squat 255 x 10 x 3.

ALSO, awesome idea for a new program, after these 18 weeks. more to come.

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