Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ready your breakfasts and eat hearty...

Today was my medium/heavy upper body day - and the final day before I start maxing out. It went really well and I feel great. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Started with bench. warmed up nice, then hit the bar, 95, 135, 155, 175 x 2, and finally 195 x 1. It felt good, solid, but not perfect. I was a little dizzy under the weight and it was a little harder than I would have liked - but at the same time, it's the heaviest I have benched in over a week and a half, and it STILL moved very nicely. After that, I dropped back to 175 and that's where I really got my groove and confidence back. I hit it for a few singles, doubles, and triples, and with very few exceptions all the reps moved fast and easy and my form felt really good. AND, my final 2 singles I did with a pause at the bottom, something I have NEVER done before (and will be doing in my new program), and I actually had no problem at all. the weight moved almost as easily as if I hadn't paused, which is awesome. Overall, I need to take time warming up on thurs to make sure my form is on point, but otherwise I'm just really excited to hit a nice heavy single, hopefully a PR. We will see.

Next up, I hit some overhead pressing, and this actually felt awesome. My plan was to keep it simple  warm up, hit a bunch of moderately heavy singles at 135, and move on. But I felt awesome. I hit 135 immediately, with no warm up sets. Hit it for another single or two, then a triple, then another single or two. then I went to 145 x 1 and then 155 x 1. the 155 was not easy, harder than the last time I hit that weight - but still, that's pretty cool that I could hit my pr today without really pushing or having pressed heavy in a while. Dropped back and hit 135 for a couple more singles, then called it a day for that.

Finally, I did a few singles, doubles, and triples of pullups, just to move a little more, and then spent a while stretching for squats tomorrow.

Overall it was a solid day. And I feel prepared and excited for the next three days. My main concern is just warming up well and making sure my form is great. I would much rather miss a PR with perfect form than miss a PR because my form is shit. But I've done plenty of stretching and prep work to get back in the groove, and for the most part I'm just excited to go heavy and then get back to training again. We will see.

Oh and also - gonna make gooood use of my cheat tonight, see If it doesn't help me get an extra pound or two tomorrow. Yum.

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