Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Nice Bench

Today was a great bench workout.

Started with 5/3/1 bench. Warmed up nicely, then hit the bar for a couple sets, then 95 for 10, then straight to my first work set. I really tried to focus on squeezing the shit out of the bar, as this cue really helps me keep EVERYTHING tight, and lack of tightness was a problem last tuesday. Hit 145 for 3, then 165, then went to 185 and hit it for a very solid 5 reps. I was also very happy with myself for calling it after 5. The 5th rep was tough, but very solid, and I could have tried for a 6th - but I am very happy I didn't. Worked hard without pushing too close to failure. Nice.

Next, backed off to 165 and hit it for 3 sets of 3 paused reps. These felt solid and not too hard. I'm getting the hang of them.

Then, backed off to 145 and hit it for a max set, getting 14. Seeing as how this is what I got at 135 last week, I think this shows that that was just a rough workout hahaha. I tried for a 15th too, because I really thought I could get it, but it just wasn't there. No biggie.

This is awesome and I want to look like this. 

Next up were Kroc rows. Using the 90's, I did these differently this week... with one knee and hand on the bench, and my palm holding the dumbell facing in. These were way tougher than the other way I was doing them - I started off doing strict reps, but could barely get to 10 before switching to using more momentum, and even then I only got 20. I think next week I will use the 90's again, but do them with momentum from the start, see how that feels.

Strict press from a dead stop actually went really well today. Still trying to keep the grip a little wider, and its starting to feel natural and strong. Hit the bar x 5, then 95 x 5, 125 x 5. Then I loaded up 145 - I wasn't feeling very strong, but I gave it a shot anyways, and actually hit it for 3 nice reps from a dead stop, which is awesome. I hit it for another single, then back to 125 for 5, and finally 95 for 10, all from a dead stop.

Finally, ended with a pyramid of pullups. Worked up to 5 reps, then back down, for a total of 30.

So, a great day. Bench was solid and I didn't push myself to failure, which is awesome. Strict press was great, and I found a better way to do me kroc rows. Excited for arms tomorrow. It's so nice to be back in the swing of training. Can't believe I'll be headed back to school soon.

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