Friday, August 24, 2012

15 x 2 Bench Press

Today was a great workout.

Started with 15 sets of 2 bench. Warmed up with the bar, then 95 x 10, then 135 x 8, then straight to 185, which I rarely do. This 15 x 2 was much less difficult and horrible than squats hahaha. Partly I think that is because I am still working to master the new form of squatting, and this bench weight is lighter and easier than what I'm used to, and part of me just thinks that might be the nature of the movements themselves. Either way, it was not as tough, but still took a lot of focus. It was good practice to work on staying in the zone of not being too stressed, panicked, aggressive, but not allowing myself to relax too much. I kept moving, took it one set at a time, and made it through all 30 reps with no missed, and only a couple tough reps. 10 x 1 at 195 should be no problem and a lot of fun compared to these past few workouts.
Apparently, if you can bench 5 plates you turn to pure gold. 

Next was strict pressing. I felt pretty good, even after all the volume I just did. Hit the bar for a couple sets, then 95 for 3. Then did 110 for 3, 125 for 3, and 140 for a tough but solid 5. That ties my pr at that weight, and considering how much pressing I did before that, I'd say that's pretty good. Dropped back to 125 and hit it for 6 paused reps, then went to 110 and hit it for 7 or 8 paused reps.

For my horizontal row I did horizontal pullups, 3 sets of 12 really letting my upper back round in the bottom and trying to pull hard and fast to the bar. these felt good. Might keep them around.

Next, did 10 pushups on the minute for ten minutes. Form was much better this week, and I made it through without having to break up any of the sets. Very nice. Gonna reduce the rest time soon, but not right away.

Finally, 3 sets of 10 kipped pullups.

Great last real workout here. I'm excited to get back to school and have some new and different equipment. Lets keep at it.

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