Friday, August 10, 2012

New Program and Goals

So now I am officially finished with my program. I'm going to write up my new programming for my next big chunk of training. I'm keeping a lot of stuff that has been working the same, but with quite a few changes as well.

Monday, I will be starting a 9 week block of training - 3 cycles. Then, there will be a week - I'm not sure what for, maybe a deload, maybe testing maxes. We will see. Then, another 9 weeks, which will end the week of christmas... So I will probably stretch through Christmas (tuesday), then max squat wed, bench thurs, and dead friday again.

Here's what the program will look like:


-5/3/1 squat
-Speed Deadlifts, 12, 10, or 8 singles done on the minute, with the weight increasing every week in 3 week waves, and the deficit increasing only every 3 weeks. (light, medium, heavy - add deficit - light, medium, heavy - more deficit - light, medium, heavy - increase weight and remove all deficit)
-5 x 5 squats, increase 10 lbs a cycle.
-Core work supersetted with specific back work.


-5/3/1 bench
-After rep-out, drop back to second work set weight, and do paused reps at that weight (as many sets and reps as seem appropriate at that weight). Then, drop back to first work set weight, and do for max reps.
-Kroc rows: go heavy for many reps. As I get stronger, I'll probably have to play with multiple sets, maybe drop sets, to continue building muscle and strength.
-strict press, from a dead stop.


-mobility work TAKES PRIORITY
-Arms. Whatever I feel like. Keep the elbows healthy


-Chaos and Pain squat. Take the top set of my 5/3/1 work for the week. Week 1: 10 x 3. Week 2: 15 x 2. Week 3: 10 x 1.
-5/3/1 front squat. Add extra singles after rep-out.
-Optional lower body work: Instead of doing good morning, I'm just going to leave this space open. If I feel exhausted, be finished after the front squats. But for the first cycle at least, I will probably use this for more squat practice, to get my high-bar even better. Other ideas - pause squats, front squat heavy single, leg press, good mornings, romanian dead lifts, whatever.
-Core work supersetted with specific back work


-Chaos and Pain bench: Take top set of 5/3/1 for the week. Week 1: 10 x 3. Week 2: 15 x 2. Week 3: 10 x 1.
-5/3/1 overhead press. After rep out, drop back to second and then first weight, doing each weight for max reps from a dead stop.
-Any horizontal row: inverted pullups, bent over row pendelay row, cable row, more kroc rows, t bar rows. Whatever.
-Bodyweight pressing, in some sort of timed format. Probably start with pushups, move to dips later in the cycle, maybe even play with handstand pushups (against a wall).
- Lat pulldown, heavy for lots of rep. Do kipped pullups if needed.


-For the first 3 cycles, before the week deload, Stretching and conditioning. I'm making a strict rule, I'm not allowed to move ANY weight more than an unloaded bar in these first 9 weeks. I need to do some light conditioning - running, elliptical, intervals, jump rope, bodyweight mini-metcon, whatever - and then mobility work and stretching.

After the week deload, I will start adding heavy squatting back in on this day. For the first 3 weeks, I'll work up to a heavy single, but try to leave 20 lbs or so in the tank - which will be tough cause I'll want to max out. Then, for the final 6 weeks I will work up to a full max for the day.


Full rest, for the first 9 weeks. If I want to move a little, stretch, I guess that's okay, but I'm going tot try to not even set foot in the gym this day. I think it will mentally be a nice break.

In the second 9 weeks, this will replace Saturday as the day for light conditioning and stretching/mobility work.

So there you have it. My new program. I will follow this for the next 19 weeks (if you include that deload). This is 6 full cycles of 5/3/1, just about 4 and a half months. As such, I will also set some shorter - term goals tHat I will hope to achieve by the end of this training block - although my focus is not on these short term goals, but on my long term goals a set for the end of next school year.


SQUAT: Obviously my squat is the biggest question mark at this point. I have no idea how heavy my squat is at this point, or how quickly it will go up once I find the best 5/3/1 weights to train it with. However, I am going to make my goal for december to be my old pr and then some: 365. I was on my way to hitting 365 with my old style. Even taking a big hit to my strength, I will hopefully be able to hit 365 for a single when I max out in December. And that will put me in good position to make my 405 squat in early May.

BENCH: I hate fucking bench. But I am slowly making progress. I hope that the re-set of my 5/3/1 will allow me to make steady progress, and bust open my old Pr's. I'm going to make my goal for the end of this block 235. That's asking for a lot of progress - but it's possible, and it would put me in good position to hit my goal 255 at the start of May.

DEADLIFT: Deadlift is the one lift that seems to be on track. Hopefully with my new improved squat training, and with heavier speed training, it will continue to improve steadily. 405 today was not bad. I will make the goal 435 at the end of December. If I can get that, I hopefully will be able to even surpass my May goal of 455.

PRESS: Press has also been going very well. I hesitate to set my goals to high because strict press is a bitch, BUT, in order to be on track to hit my 185 goal in may, I'm going to set my December goal at 170. Its a big goal.

FRONT SQUAT: this one is a huge jump from my current PR, but with all the extra front squat work I'm doing AND the fact that my highbar squat technique will have a better carryover to front squat, I'm going to try and front squat 275 in December.

BODY FAT: Right now, I'm hanging out just above 12%. This is a big drop from the 16-18% I was at last december. But I'm going to try and get below 10% by December. I think this is a definite possibility, the way my diet has been working for me. If I can get to 10% by December, then hopefully I can get to 9% or maybe even a little lower by May. That would be an awesome amount of leanness, and hopefully I can do that while still getting stronger and putting on some muscle mass by maximizing my cheats.

So there you have it. My short term goals, and the program I will use to hit them. With a lot of hard work, hopefully my squat will re-explode, my bench and press will continue to slowly climb, and my deadlift will keep making jumps. We will re - assess in December, and see what changes I'll need to make in order to hit my goals in May.

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