Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Re-engrowing

I am rebuilding. Yesterday felt like shit... but that was to be expected. But today was much better. I spent a good 45 minutes or so stretching. I warmed up as usual, then did a few passes with the foam roller. Then, I did a total of 5 minutes in the bottom of a squat - but I broke it up so that I didn't kill myself, doing a minute, then a minute rest, then 2 minutes, then a minute rest, then the final 2 minutes. Again, I did some foam rolling, and although it normally doesn't hurt me my IT band and my quads were KILLING me. I did the best I could, doing slow passes. Then I did the couch stretch to open up my hip flexors, which always sucks, but feels AMAZING afterwards. My hip flexors are really tight, and I need to work harder at stretching them (I'm really going to commit myself to stretching on saturdays in this new program).

After this, I just did a bunch of squats with just the bar, and they actually felt really good. Yesterday, my squats hurt horribly in the beginning, then felt okay in the middle sets, then in the later sets started feeling like I was losing tension in the bottom - I just felt sad and floppy. But today my reps felt deep and controlled. My hips were open, I was using my butt, my torso was upright. It felt good. I'm really excited to start going a little bit heavier tomorrow, I'm hoping that my squats will really feel great. We will see.

One other thing - Over a bunch of my past few workouts, people have been noticing asymmetries in my squat form - my bar is a little crooked on my back, one foot turns out more than another, one shoulder is a little more forward than the other, and my feet are a bit staggered. I'm not sure how much of a problem these things are, or might become? I feel inclined to fix them, but I don't know if they really matter. And the cause could be anything from tightness, or just bad habits, or even one leg being longer than the other. I don't know. Just a note for now, and in time we will see if this seems imperative to fix.

Side note: wow this fucker looks absurd

Anyways, feeling good and excited for tomorrow.

EDITS: First of all, Cheat ended today, and I decided to kick off the return to the diet with a PSMF, of protein sparing modified fast. I figured my metabolism is at it's highest after all that cheating, So today would be a great Day to fast, with the exception of a few shakes. I am fucking STARVING right now, but tomorrow will be a return to normal and hopefully back on track with my fat loss.

Second of all, I think I'm going to start training to do a split. I can't think of anything that would make me more athletic than being able to squat a shitload AND do a split. And it will give me a reason to keep up with my stretching, a goal to work towards. I'm gonna work at it. We will see where it goes.

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