Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Volume Bench

Today was a tough training session. Pretty strong, but not in the least bit easy.

Started with 5 week benching. Felt pretty good today. Hit the bar for a few sets, then 95 for a few, then jumped right to 140. Hit that for 5, then 160 for 5, then went up to 185 and hit that for 5, just barely missing the 6th rep. I should have gotten rep 6, but I think I was a little too lose under the weight. I should have been squeezing the bar a little more and keeping my whole upped body tighter. Things to think about next week. Either way, 5 reps at 185 is a pr, and that 6th rep was very close.

Next was 5 x 10 bench. Did 135 again. It was a little tougher than it should have been (that tough fail at 185 took it out of me a bit), but even so I got 4 sets of 10 and a set of 12 without much trouble. I think I'm going to take this up to 145 next week, and try and get as close to 5 x 10 as I can. It'll be rough but I'm gonna keep working my ass off and pushing these 5 sets of 10.

Next were Kroc rows. Started strict, letting form only break down when It needed to to get more reps. Did a set of 30 each side, and these were REALLY hard today. My back was done.

Next were strict presses. Did these from a dead stop off my chest, in sets of 5. Huit 75, 95, 105, 115, 125, and then 135 for 4 (couldn't quite get the 5th one). Not bad, considering all 4 of those reps were from a complete stop, and I had already done a shitload of pressing.

Ended with pullups. Using straps, I did three sets of as many reps as I could do strict, then switched to kipping to make the set a set of 10. Did 5 and 5, 5 and 5, and then 4 and 6. These don't make my back feel nearly as tired and worked out as doing big kipped sets, but this didn't hurt my elbows OR give me a crippling headache. So maybe I'll keep doing these for another week or two before trying big kipped sets again.

Overall, tough day but moved some heavy weights for a lot of reps.

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