Saturday, June 2, 2012

Max Squat + Squat Lockouts

Today was a great day. Re-fueled a shitload after yesterdays tiring workout, making full use of my cheat meals, and came into the gym full of sugar and ready to rip today.

Worked up fast today (as I am going to try and make my habit on saturdays). Hit the bar for 2 sets of 10, then 135 for 10, and 225 for 5. I hit 275 for one single that felt alright - I thought about hitting it again but then said fuck it and just threw 315 on the bar. Hit that with the belt, then put up 325 and after some rest, hit that. It was hard, but not as tough as it was on thursday, which is pretty cool. I thought about hitting it again, but decided against it. I think I'll wait till next thursday, try to hit 325 again, and if it feels solid, then maybe try and hit it for a second single. If I can do that, then it might be time to attempt 335 again. We will have to see how it feels.

Next I did some squat lockouts. I had trouble finding the proper height and stuff, but overall these went well. Did 95, 135, 185 and 225 for sets of 10 (sort of touch and go) then did 225 for a set of 5 more "paused" reps, then 275 for 5 (which was VERY hard last time I did these, but not bad this time). Then, put 315 on. Did it for a single that wasn't too bad, but the bar was a little low on my back, so I re-set with it higher and failed the rep. So I took time to rest, hit it again, and was able to stand it up. It's tough to get into proper position and make sure I'm using the right muscles with these, but overall I think they are really good, and I am going to continue doing them on saturdays.

Overall, A good day. Happy that I hit 325 again. Also, put my belt on the lowest hole today hahaha. I'm getting downright skinny. But hey, as long as I'm getting stronger, lean is VERY good.

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