Thursday, June 28, 2012

Powerful Legs

Today was a very strong day. Took a little bit of a different approach to my heavy squats today and it worked out really well.

Lean strongmen have the best fucking physiques. I want to look like this so bad. 

Started with heavy squats. Hit the bar for a few, then 135, 185, 225, then 275 for a double and then a single. then, instead of jumping straight to 315, I went to 305, which is 90% - my thinking is basically that 315 is too heavy for me to gauge how I'm feeling for the day. So I hit 305, felt good, went to 315, felt good, went to 325 which was hard but solid, and put on 335. It was one of the slowest reps I have ever done, but I fought through and got it, which is awesome.

The king of lean strongmen

Next, I dropped back to 135 to try and get back in the groove of squatting without the belt. My form felt really nice today though, and after hitting it for 5 I went to 225 for 3, then 245, 265, 285, and finally 305 for 3. First time I've ever gotten 305 for a triple, and considering it was after that INSANE rep at 335 and a bunch of other triples, that's pretty awesome. It seems that working up a little more steadily works for me. And as I said, form just felt on today.

Next, did sets of 10 good mornings. started with 135, then did 165, 185, 205, and finally 215. It was hard, and I was completely exhausted by the end, but 215 for 10 is fucking HEAVY.

Finally, I ended with 3 sets of 12 hanging leg raises.

So, a really strong strong day today. Hit my squat pr, broke my 3rm, and did a shitload of heavy good mornings and some awesome ab work. Can't wait for tomorrow.

This guy is fucking AWESOME

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