Thursday, June 14, 2012


Gotta keep it short today.


Good day, but I felt MISERABLE hahaha. I decided to take saturday and maybe sunday off this weekend. I need a little recovery time. But I pushed hard today and did well because of it, even though I feel horrible, and that brings me powerjoy.

Started with heavy squats. Went slower in my warmups today, but honestly it was a little too slow- combination of not feeling very energetic and trying on purpose to take my time. Speeding it up next time. Still, for a day when I didn't feel my best I did well. Worked up to 315, then 325, then 325 again, then attempted 335 but it was a sloppy rep and I had no shot. Decided to call it there; if it had been a better rep I might have had a chance of getting that 335, but it didn't really matter anyways so I called it there.

Next, worked up in threes. 225, then 255, then 285. Then hit 305 for 2. First rep was horrendously slow, second was basically just as slow but I made it. Third, I just didn't have the strength to finish off. But that's okay. Try again next week. Happy to hit that for another double.

Finally, did an insane number of good mornings. Sets of 5 - 135, 135, 165, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, and then 245 for a PR. The third rep was sloppy, I lost my balance a bit, but even so 5 is pretty awesome at that weight, on a tough day, when I did so many before. Good stuff.

Finished with three sets of HLR. They were miserable, but I forced myself to do it because I know I need it. Overall, very strong day. But man do I need some recovery time. Looking forward to a heavy and fast day tomorrow, then some healing this weekend.

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