Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Great Bench Workout

Really strong day today.

Started with 5/3/1 benching. Today, I had to rep out 195. Last time I did this weight I was only able to get a disappointing 2 reps, so I was a little nervous (this being 3 week and all). Warmed up with the bar, then 95, then 135, then did three reps at 150 and 170. I psyched up and got under 195 and hit it for 1, 2, and 3 for a hard rep. However, I thought I might have one more in me - so I took a big breath, tightened everything and went for rep 4 - and got it. It was hard, but I'm very happy with that. A 2 rep PR at that weight, and I LOVE being able to grind out a final rep - because for the longest time I could never do that.

This mofo HATES leg drive apparently. 

My 5 x 10 went really well too. I moved the weight up this week, a full 10 lbs from 135 to 145. I figured I would not be able to complete my 5 x 10, but that it would be better to go heavy and have something to work towards than to only go up 5 lbs. To my very pleasant surprise, I was able to get 4 full sets of 10, and a set of 12 on the final set. This is the heaviest 5 x 10 I've ever done, which is awesome, and my form was great on it (probably why I made it through without much trouble). So, I'll hit this weight again next week, and try to take the sets a little faster (I probably took between 3 - 4 minutes between sets), but if it goes as well or better than it did this week, I might move up to 155 pretty soon. Or if it's hard, I'll just keep at it for another few weeks before I push on.

Next were kroc rows. Did a set of 30 each side, starting pretty strict and only breaking form down once it got really hard (around rep 20). These are starting to get a little too easy; I'm going to need to push them harder, and do sets of 35 or 40 soon in order to keep getting benefits.

Thanks for the amazing movement Matt... I wish I was your power. One day I will be. 

Next, I had a little fun with my overhead pressing. I worked up to 115, then did "death by dead-stop overhead presses." Pressing each rep from a dead stop, I did 1 rep the first minute, 2 the second, 3 the third, and so on until I failed a rep. I made it through round 6, getting 3 reps in minute 7. Overall, This was a fun way to get in some volume, and I ended up doing a full 24 reps in just over 6 minutes, which is pretty good - basically the same as a 5 x 5.

Finally, ended with pullups, doing strict reps and then finishing out the set of 10 with kipping. First set I managed 6 (almost 7) strict pullups, second set it was 5, and the third set I got 4, then went all the way to 15 with the kip, with no dreaded crippling headache. I'm hoping to start doing higher-rep kipped sets again, I like those better, but I want to try and take it slow and avoid horrible brain pain.

So, really strong day today. I'm very happy with how well my bench is progressing. It's not fast by any standard, but it's progress, and that's all I'm fighting for. Excited for a nice, fun arm day tomorrow, and for the rest of this week. Then next week, shit gets SERIOUS.

Serious as this fucking guy. Holy Shit. 

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