Monday, April 22, 2013

Some Thoughts

1) I don't know exactly what I am going to do this summer for lifting. My basic idea is: I have spent this whole school year eating a shitload, getting big and getting strong. I think it would be prudent to focus more on upping my work capacity and getting in really good shape this summer, with much more moderate strength goals (i.e. add 10-20 lbs to each lift, instead of 30 +), THEN when I come back to school in the fall and I start eating and lifting heavy again, I will be primed to make huge strength gains. Problem is, I'm not sure how to do it. I think I am going to program wednesday's runs, instead of just doing whatever I want to. That alone should help. But I also am thinking of making some changes to my lifting - doing some much higher-rep work, with more moderate weights, in order to up my work capacity, give myself a mental break, burn some fat, maybe even put on some muscle mass while doing so... but I'm not sure exactly what to change. My programming has been working really great, so I am tentative. But some ideas. a) Keeping 5/3/1 for sure, but maybe only doing the prescribed reps, to keep the emphasis off of crushing heavy weight. b) upping the reps on the snatch grip deadlifts. c) More emphasis on back work, less on pressing. d) Changing thursdays squats to be much higher rep - I could do some 15-25 rep squats, or I could do an over-warm up, and then some back off sets in the 8-12 rep range. Have a lot of ideas for this last point, and I'm really not sure if any of them are good haha. But I'll keep thinking about it and try to make some smart choices as the mock meet approaches.

2) I am going to start doing way more arms work, for a number of reasons. Basically, my bench is still my weakest lift. And if there is one thing that will certainly help, it's having some fucking huge arms. add that to the fact that EVERY dude wants fucking huge arms, and it just makes sense to train the shit out of them. I am always tentative to do so, because I don't want to hurt my pressing workouts, but honestly all the emphasis on the pressing clearly isn't working THAT well. So the plan is - train pressing and pulling as usual tuesday, then run and REALLY train my arms on wednesday. No more dicking around, I want some serious focus. Then friday is a pressing workout, with some moderate bodybuilding stuff at the end - arms, back, whatever - and then saturday I am going to train arms again, along with light oly lifting or whatever. I'm gonna be sore as a motherfucker for a while,  but if I am hitting my arms 3-4 times a week, they will fucking GROW, and once they start growing I am going to look better, and I am going to finally start making some serious progress on my bench.

That's whats on my mind. Let keep at it.

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