Saturday, April 27, 2013

Arms day 2

Second arms day of the week today. A little slow to start, but overall it went well.

Started with some close grip, feet up bench. Hit the bar and 95 to warm up, then went to 135 and started benching on the minute: hit 135 x 5, 145 x 5, 155 x 5, then back down to 145 x 5, and finally 135 x 8.

Next, did some preacher curls with the curl bar. Hit a warmup with the bar, then hit a pair of 10's for a set of 10, then 2 pairs of 10's for a set of 5, then back down for another set of 10, again on the minute.

Next, grabbed some 20 lb dumbells and supersetted curls and lying tricep extensions for 3 sets.

Finally, did a hight rep finisher for both muscles - a set of 50 tricep pushdowns, and then a set of 50 preacher curls with 12.5 dumbells. I actually didn't like this high rep stuff at all as a finisher. It made me feel tired and jelly-like, but didn't give me much of a pump. I think it would be better to have done something for less reps - probably another superset.

Also, at the end of my workout I was going to do some flexing and inspire myself with how huge I looked.... when a kid I know with 20 inch arms walked in and I felt very ashamed haha. I'm glad that happened though haha. Need to remember that I have a lottttttt of work to do. Lets keep at it.

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