Friday, April 26, 2013

Bench 205 for 3 x 6

Today was a really good upper body day. I tried to focus really hard on moving the weight with my muscles, instead of just firing as fast as I could, if that makes sense. Along with this new arm training, I am thinking that maybe if I develop my "mind muscle connection," and work on FEELING myself benching/pressing the weight, that might improve my benching as well. It went well today. 

Started with bench. Hit the bar, then 95, then 135, then 185 x 3, all the time focusing on using my muscles to bench. I was focusing on a lot of little things - setting up in a really tight arch, setting up a little further back on the bench so the unrack was easier, lowering the bar a little bit higher on my chest, so that my elbows were a tiny bit less tucked, and trying to use my muscles a little better, lowering the weight a little slower/more controlled, and really PRESSING it up. Felt really good, so I went up to 205 and went after it. First set of 6 was tough - I think I was a little bit off in my setup, and perhaps I was lowering it a little TOO slowly. However, the second set was great! I found the groove, and hit a really solid 6, and then the third set, while harder than the second, was solid too. I was really happy with this. 6 is my PR at 205, so hitting it for 3 sets of that is great! Maybe it was just a good day, maybe it was the new, MUCH better bar I was using, or maybe this arm stuff is actually starting to work! Either way, I'm glad it was good. 

Next, pressing went well too. Hit the bar and 95 for warmups, then 145 x 5, and 160 x 3. Again, I tried to focus on keeping these reallyy strict, as well as using my muscles to PRESS instead of just my nerves haha. Loaded up 180 and hit it for a very solid double, but I struggled just enough with the second rep that I didn't think I had a third in me. Still, that's very good! Dropped back to 160 and hit it for a solid 5 without tooo much rest and then hit 145 for 8. This felt really good and solid. Kept the reps super strict and focusing on using my muscles to press felt good. I just need to work on making the concentric portion of the rep on both bench and press faster and more explosive. Right now, I know how to fire my nerves fast, but I am not properly using my muscles when I do so I think. So, I need to keep focusing on pressing with my muscles, but also focus on moving the weight fast. 

Finally, did a slew of lighter bodybuilding movements for a lot of reps. Started with 20 lb dumbells and without putting them down, did 15 curls, 15 shoulder presses, 12 tricep extensions, 12 front lateral raises, and then 12 more curls. Then, after some rest, grabbed 15 lb dumbells and did 10 curls/10 extensions for 3 rounds as fast as I could. Rested a little more, then curled some 10's for 50 reps, then went upstairs and did 3 x 20 lat pulldowns with 100 lbs. The idea is to keep this stuff lighter, just try and get a nice little pump without taxing myself too much. Then, tomorrow, I will go hard on arms again. 

So overall, great day. Continuing to feel out/experiment with bench and press, and it seems like I'm finding some stuff that works! Also, continuing to work on my arms. Can't wait to growww them huge and start smashing some big weight. Lets keep at it! 

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