Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Meh training: Bench 205 x 6

Yesterday wasn't a great day. I had a lot of trouble with my pressing, especially strict press. There are a number of reasons I can think of why it wasn't a great day - I'm just a little tired out and beat up, I had a really tough workout monday, I didn't eat a normal breakfast, and the bar I was using was a bit bent. It also could have just been a shitty day. Either way, no big deal. Wish it was better, but what can you do?

Stated with 5/3/1 bench. Felt decent warming up. Hit the bar, 95, 135, then 155 x 5, 185 x 5, and finally 205 x 6. It was a very solid 6, but I wasn't confident I could get the 7th so I didn't go for it. 6 isn't bad at all, but it's not as good as I hoped for. I was really hoping that the change in bench training would help me make some faster gains, and it isn't really. However, I AM still making gains, and that's really all that matters. Dropped back to 185 and hit it for 3 x 5, pretty easy but not as easy as I would have liked it to be.

Next, did 3 x 10 rear delt flies with 15 lb dumbells, but my right elbow was bothering me.

Finally, tried to do my 3 x 9 strict press with 155 and it didn't go well. Hit the bar, 115, and then went to 155. Got a very hard 8 on the first set, and then only got 6 and 6 on the second two sets. This is pretty unusual to me, and while irritating, showed me that I was just having an off day for whatever reason. I decided to just take off from the gym after that, and furthermore to take wednesday completely off. I might just need a little more rest than normal, so I am trying to take it and see how I fare the second half of the week.

Overall, not a great day but not the worst either. Gonna rest up and try and do a little better in the second half of the week. We will see. Lets keep at it.

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