Friday, April 19, 2013

Productive day: Bench 185 for 3 x 10

Today was a very productive day.

Started with bench. Again, I worked to arch harder than I have been lately, and it felt really good. I felt like I was finally up on my traps, rather than laying as flat as I have been. First set of 10 was very solid. Second was good, but the 10th was really hard, so I rested a fuckload for the final set, and then went after it. It was tough, and the 10th rep was UGLY, but finally I got it. Very happy with that, I am going to move up to 205 for a 3 x 6 next week. I think the change will be good for me, and I am excited for it.

Next, strict press went well. I warmed up with the bar and 95, then hit 135 x 3, 155 x 3, and finally 170 x 4. Josh watched me, and gave me some really good advice, pointing out that my hips were simply moving forward and backward on reps, which is the "shitiness" that I have been feeling lately. I tried to focus on getting rid of it, and finally kind of figured out what I needed to do, and hit 155 x 7, 135 x 10, and then 185 x 1 all very strict. So here is my basic conclusion: I am NOT doing the hip thing ou of necessity, because I can't press the weight strict. I think this because I a) rarely do it on the first rep, and b) was still able to hit almost the same rep records at a few different weights. Rather, I do it as a force of habit, AND as a way to keep my bar path straight. Basically, I am banging out these big sets, so I get into a rhythm that involves moving my hips, and pushing the hips forward at the start of each rep helps me to keep the bar path straight, whereas when I press without the hip movement I sometimes let the bar get out in front. So here is the fix: be really strict from now on, no matter how frustrating. Give a little bit more of a pause between, and be SURE to set my hips. AND, start with my hips squeezed forward a bit anyways, to keep my head out of the way and the bar path straight. I think if I focus on this, it will make me feel a lot better about my presses, and maybe even make better progress. I'm excited.

Next, 3 x 16 lat pulldowns with 120 or so.

Then, worked up to 185 press with 135, 155, 175, and then 185 x 1, just to sort of show myself that I could.

Finally, grabbed 10 lb dumbells and did a slew of curls, shoulder presses, tricep extensions, lat raises, and then more curls without putting them down. Got a nice little pump.

Overall, very productive day. Finally got done with the 185 bench, and figured out some of my pressing issues so I can be more focused and more happy with my pressing. Getting excited, only 4 weeks of training left! Lets keep at it.

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