Monday, April 29, 2013

Rough day: Squat 325 x 5

Today was a plain and simple bad day. Lots of potential reasons for it - I'm a little sick, I didn't sleep great last night, I'm stressed due to finals, I didn't eat enough yesterday, I sat down and wrote a ten page paper yesterday, had to train 3 hours later than normal today, blah blah blah. Could be any or all of these things. Or it could have just been a bad day. Either way, still managed to have a decent workout, which is good.

Started with 5/3/1 squat. Hit the bar, then 125 for 10, 6. This was pretty much the only set that felt okay. Went up to 205 and didn't feel great, so I decided to only do a set of 5 at this weight, which felt pretty heavy and shitty - it's kind of a chicken-and-egg question as to whether I didn't do 10 because I was already feeling like shit, or maybe the rest of my workout felt shittier cause I didn't do my normal 10 reps at this weight. I'm going to guess the former, but I think I will stick to my normal 10 rep set from now on. Went to my first work set next, 245 x 5, which felt pretty crappy. 285 x 5 was next. Felt a little bit tighter for this one, weight didn't feel quite so heavy, but my torso wasn't staying as upright as I would like. Still felt bad, but at the same time 5 at this weight isn't very tough anymore. Finally, went up to 325. I was planning on only doing 5 reps at this weight, no matter what - last week (especially monday) was tough, and I felt the effects on thursday, so I figured I would take it a little easier today. Good thing too, or I probably would have been very frustrated if I had wanted a PR. The 5 reps I did were very solid. Not super fast, definitely didn't feel great, torso maybe came forward a bit more than I wanted, but I can't complain. If I am being honest, I might have had a 6th rep in me. Perhaps, if I was 100% focused and just in a better mental state, it would have been a better set. But it was a tough, but solid 5. Nothing special, but not too shabby for a pretty rough day.

Speed deadlifts were definitely the best part of my workout today. 12 x 1 from a 2-plate deficit, on the minute, at 295. These moved really fast and nice today. A couple reps were maybe a little further out than ideal, but at this weight even those moved crazy fast. The deficit setup takes getting used to, but I am still setting up fast, pulling fast, using a great combination of legs, hips and back, and a great combination of brute strength and technique. I can't wait to pull heavy on thursday.

Snatch deads were a little rougher. They just didn't feel that great today. I was relying a little more on my back than was ideal, and my hands were having a lot of trouble holding on - maybe just cause I was feeling shitty, maybe cause I'm not used to the bars being the right thickness haha. Anyways, pulled 125 x 3, 205 x 3, 265 x 3, 305 x 3, and then finally 345 x 3. I tried to break it from the ground on the first rep and it didn;t really go anywhere, but instead of re-setting and whatnot I just went again right away, loaded up my back and pulled it for the triple. It was a pretty hard 3, not even close to "significantly" easier than my last triple at 345. However, considering it was a decidedly shitty day, that is okay. Hopefully next week I will be feeling better, and I can grind out 365 for a triple. I'm gonna have to be liberal with the tape and the chalk, but I think I can do it.

Huge deadlift back 

Overall, felt bad today but managed to hit all the sets and reps I needed to, which is great. It's a tough time of year - I am starting to burn out from my programming drawing to an end, school is stressful and unavoidable, and I simply can't put quite as much energy into lifting as I would like to. However, the solution is simple - don't get frustrated. Accept that every workout won't be a PR one, and plan to take some of them easier. Accept bad days, and just do your best to have the best training session you can. Remember that, no matter how shitty you feel or perform on any one day, you are making progress and after the stress, the sickness, and the little bit of overtraining are gone and you have rested up for a few days, you are going to SMASH some PR's in this mock meet. SO, lets hope tomorrow and the rest of the week go a little better than today... but no matter what, lets keep at it.

You may take my strength, but you'll never take my squat day 

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