Saturday, April 6, 2013

Clean and Jerk

Today, I was thinking about not really lifting, but I actually woke up feeling pretty decent. I decided to just clean and jerk today. No real reason why, I just didn't feel like snatching.

It went really well! warmed up nice and slow, then started with 85 lbs, doing some powercleans and a bunch of jerks to work on extending hard, and just try and practice my jerk which is still pretty new to me. Went up to 125, then 165, again doing more jerks than cleans, and trying to focus on keeping the bar back better. Did a double at 185, then started doing singles. 205 and 225 were cake, although I pulled the bar so hard on 225 that it landed pretty hard on me which didn't feel great. went to 245, and for the first time nailed the clean and the jerk right off the bat. Two issues, though. One, I didn't rebound out of the bottom, and had to squat up from a dead stop. And two, I had a bit of arm bend on the jerk. I would say it wasn't QUITE a press out, but definitely not perfect. No big deal, but both problems were exacerbated on the next rep. Loaded up 255, and Josh suggested that I maybe start with the bar closer to my shins, let it roll out as I pushed my hips into position, instead of having to bring my shins to the bar. It worked well, and I cleaned the 255 really well, but again paused in the bottom and had a HELL of a time squatting it up. I made it though, and really focused for the jerk. I managed to get the weight overhead and come to standing, but there was quite the press out.

Overall, that is stil a PR even if it was a little ugly, and I'm pretty freakin happy with that. However, with heavy cleans I need to REALLY focus on rebounding out of the bottom, because the small amount of energy that saves is really important when it comes to max efforts. AND, I just need to focus on pulling under a little better for my jerk. But overall, great little PR today. Gonna rest up a ton tomorrow, and then hopefully have fun with a little bit of an easier week starting monday. Lets keep at it.

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