Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Running and Arms 1

Today was a good ass, fun day

Started with running. I decided that, over the summer, I am going to program my running with time, rather than distance or whatever. My main goal with running is to keep fat down, and keep work capacity up, so I think increasing the time that my heart rate is elevated, rather than trying to run faster or farther, makes the most sense. Anyways, walked for 2 mins, then ran for 8 today, at about 5mph - pretty slow, but I'm going to keep the 8 mins and up the speed a tiny bit for the next couple weeks, till I'm home. Overall, breathing and endurance at that speed feels great.

Then, I moved on to arms training. As mentioned before, I have always done some light arms work on wednesdays, but now in an attempt to both look awesome AND start making real progress on my bench, I am goign to start SERIOUSLY training arms Wed and Saturday, with some lighter bodybuilding stuff on friday, and a normal push/pull upper body workout tuesday and friday. So, today I worked the arms hard. Started with dumbell curls. Hit a warm up with 10's, then grabbed 27.5's and curled them for 18, 12, and 10 reps with limited rest. Switched to a dumbell extension, a sort of slower and more controlled rolling tricep extension. Hit a warmup, then the 27.5's for 13, 9, and 6 reps. These were harder than I thought they would be, but they completely blew up my triceps. After a short rest, I ended with a superset of straight bar curls/military press with 65 lbs, again limiting rest. These were pretty good - I felt like the curls were maybe a bit too heavy, as it was hard to be as strict as I wanted and REALLY focus on squeezing the biceps. In contrast, I think the presses were too light - they HURT like a motherfucker, but I don't feel like I came close enough to failiure. So maybe next time, I will try and set up 2 bars, or do straight bar curls to start and superset the dumbell curls or something. I don't know exactly, but I have a LOT of workouts to play around with movements haha. And I do know that I felt and looked huge at the end of the workout, so that's good.

I am GOING to make my arms grow a TON in the next year, and finally get my bench to a respectable number. Not good, but respectable haha. Lets keep at it, embrace the pain, and find the path to greatness.

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