Friday, May 11, 2012

Slowest. Rep. Ever.

Today was a good day, although it included the slowest rep I have ever done. And it was a bench rep, which is just hilarious.

Today opened with Chaos and Pain benching: 175 for 9 sets of 3, on the minute. Problem is, I'm still not fully adjusted to the different equipment, And doing the sets that fast made for some sloppy setups. Point it, on the second set I set up weird and was a little sloppy during the reps, which both tired out my muscles and put me behind the clock. I spent the next 4 sets or so trying to A) make up the time that I was behind, and B), trying to figure out my setup a little better. By about set 7 I did both of these things: I was back in synch with the clock and my setup was better. Problem was, I was just about wiped and I had two sets left. Set 8, I hit reps one and two okay, but rep three was literally the SLOWEST rep I have ever done. I thought I was going to fail about 3 seconds in, but didn't give up and kept pushing, and got it probably around second 7. I was really proud - normally, I find it really hard to push through really hard bench reps, and I'm psyched I didn't let myself fail that. HOWEVER, I knew that set nine was going to be a debacle if I tried to go on the minute. So, I rested probably an extra 60-90 seconds, and hit it for my final set of three, which was significantly easier than set 8. It's too bad I couldn't do all9 on the minute, but overall I'm really happy with not failing a single rep, and I think now that I've figured out the setup/equipment a little better, next week will be easier.

Next up was 5 week for overhead press... I forgot to check what my actual weights were haha so I guessed, and did 105, 120, and 135 for 5. The 135 was tough for 5 after the Chaos and Pain, but I got it, and that's what's important. After that, I dropped back to 120 and did a bunch of reps from a dead stop off my shoulders, and then did the same with 105.

Next up were pendelay rows with 165. These were no problem - normally I've been getting about 12 reps in the first set, but I got 16 today without much strain. Think i'm gonna take the weight up to 185 on these for next week.

Next was dumbell benching. Hit the 60's for 12 or so, then again for 5, then hit the 50's for about 6 or 7. That first set was great, but the other two my triceps were giving out. Tried to hit the 30's to get a chest pump, but it didn't really work hahaha.

Finally, Kroc rows with the 110. Hit 18 reps each arm, then did another set of 10. I didn't like goign quite that heavy today, when I've already rowed. I think I might save the 110 for tuesdays only, and try using the 90 dumbbell on friday and see if the higher reps feel a little better.

Overall, it was a solid day. Looking SO forward to my cheat tonight and tomorrow, which will be starting within the next few hours. And pumped to squat heavy and play with strongman stuff tomorrow.

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