Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Moving day

Had a hectic day today because I was moving all my stuff back home, but as soon as I woke up I went to the gym for arms day.

Started with bench. Worked up to 155 for 11, then moved my grip in and hit 135 for 8, then moved it closer still and hit 115 for 8, then went as close as I could and hit 95 for 6 or 7. Then, I dropped all the weight and did a set of 20 skull crushers with just the bar. I don't love extension movements for triceps though - personally, I feel pressing movements exhaust them a lot better. But I was just playing around today, so it was no big deal.

Hahahaha is this guy even real life? 

Next, I decided to play around with pullups a little more. I felt very irritated and disheartened yesterday, so today I worked a little more. I ended up doing 3 sets of 10 kipped pullups. Generally, I would advocate for strict pullups over kipped ones - but the truth is, doing those three sets of 10, I really felt my lats working hard. It seems like, just as with other back movements, my body responds better to me giving precedence to reps/weight over form. I think I'm going to, for now, replace the 5 x 10 lat pulls with a 3 x 10 kipped pullups, trying to only use the kip as little as possible. After a cycle of two of doing this, I'll see how I feel about them, and if I think they are working, I will start increasing either sets or reps - right now,  I'm leaning toward increasing reps, because my experience is that more reps will help overload my back and make it grow. We will see, it's going to take some experimentation.

Finally, I ended with some different curl variations, none of which were that useful I think. Isolation and preacher curls seem to feel best to me, all other variations I don't normally like.

Anyways, a fun arms day. I'm looking forward to continuing to work on the pullups, hopeful I'm on the way to finding the best way for me to do them so I gain some serious size and strength. We will see.

BACK. Nothing beats back. 

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