Friday, May 18, 2012

Getting Heavy

Today was a good day. I realized today how freakin heavy all of my upper body lifts are getting on the regular - 140 and 185 on press and bench used to be pretty damn near all I could do, and now those weights are becoming pretty standard. It's exciting and scary and very hard.

Well this picture is fucking great

Started with Chaos and Pain bench at 185 - 9 sets of 2 on the minute. I fucked this up, which is really nice considering 1) it was really hard last week and 2) 185 was a little hard/sloppy on tues. But I got through all my sets without too much trouble , and even considered (after hitting my 9th set) going up to 205 for a heavy single, but then I thought about that article I read, and realized doing that would be more of a "testing" rather than "training" the lift, and I don't have anything to prove to myself, so I skipped it.

Next was overhead press. Worked up to 140, which I hit for a solid 4. I went for a 5th, but It wasn't really there. 4 is nice though - last time I repped this weight, I got 4 as well, but that was after 9 singles at 185 - today was after 9 DOUBLES at 185. So definitely stronger. After the heavy 4, I dropped back to 125 and 110 again, hitting them for max paused reps. I think this IS helping my strength right off my chest - but I need more time to tell.

Next was pendelay rows at 185 (20 lbs heavier than last week). Did 12, 10, and 12(?) reps on these. Form was pretty rough hahaha, but I think it's mostly because the weight is pretty heavy. Hopefully next week I'll be able to do them a LITTLE stricter, although they still feel like they're blowing my back up with shitty form.

Again, nothing to do with my workout.... but this is just an awesome picture

Next was dumbell benching, which felt not great today hahaha. Hit 12 at 60, then 9 at 50 and 8(?) at 40. Got a bit of a chest pump, though, and that's all that really matters with these.

Finished off with kroc rows. Used the 110 again, and got 25 reps. I wish I did more though. Doing these tired is tricky - it's hard to take it to failure because you're wiped already, but they just don't feel as good if you don't go all out. Next week I'm gonna try and push it a little more, force myself to push to the limit no matter how tired I am. I think that will feel a lot better.

Anyways, very good day. Upper body strength grows. 

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