Monday, May 14, 2012

Perfect Insanity

Today, I had a great day in the gym. I fucked shit up. This is really fuckin awesome, because I wasn't sure if the running yesterday was going to hurt my performance today. However, even with the running AND a less than ideal night's sleep last night, I fucked the workout up, which shows me that I should be able to keep in the 400's without hurting my strength gains.

How I felt today

Started today with 5/3/1 squats. Warmups felt nice - I focused on making all the reps very controlled, without making them too slow, and they felt awesome. Worked up to my work sets - 205 x 3, then 235 x 3. Focused up, and got under 265, and ended up hitting it for 10 solid reps. They were hard, but I was really happy with the set, especially the last rep because I had to grind it out. Often when I squat heavy, I hit a sticking point and if I slow down, I can't grind through the rep, I just fail. However, I worked really hard to get that 10th rep, pushed through a near dead stop, and that makes me happy. Last time I did this weight I only got 9 reps, and that was with a belt. 

Next I did speed deads at 230 off a high deficit. I'm definitely more comfortable off the higher deficit, they moved nicely. 245 will probably be tough, but that's the idea - then, next cycle the weights go up, but I get rid of the deficit and pull from the floor. 

5 x 10 was where I really had a great day. Despite some trouble finding a comfortable spot for the bar, i ripped through the sets with 90 seconds rest, and managed to get 16 reps on the final set. It was hard but very solid, and I'm really glad I'm fucking owning 175 this week. 

Ended with 50 situps on the ghd with a hold every ten reps, just to finish fatiguing my core. Overall, it was an awesome day and workout. Can't WAIT for tomorrow, and the return of JEROME to our gym. Gonna FUCK SHIT UP!

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