Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bench DAY

Today was a good benchy bench day. Felt really good due to good sleep and great breakfast and delicious caffeine, and went in ready to fuck shit up.

The equipment took a little getting used to - I have to widen my feet a little, because the bench is wider than I'm used to - but after a short while, not only was I used to it but I LOVE it way more than the equipment at school. Warmed up, then hit 135 and 155 for sets of 5 - not crazy easy but felt solid. Then, put 175 on the bar, and messed it up, got 7 reps. Obvious progress - a few months ago, I could only get 4 reps. Then 6, last time I did this weight, and 7 this cycle. Considering I haven't really benched in over a week, I was really happy with this. 

Funnily enough, my 5 x 10 didn't actually go that well. It wasn't too bad the first two sets, but the third and fourth were tough and on the fifth set, I almost failed on the 8th rep - had to rack it, rest 20 seconds then hit the final two. Not sure exactly why this was hard, I was only doing them at 125 which wasn't much trouble the last few weeks I did it. My guess is either I was a little tired out from the 175 x 7, OR, I haven't benched or even pushed with that kind of volume in two weeks, and so even though my strength wasn't hurt much my endurance strength went first. Either way, I'm not too worried about it, hopefully next week it will feel a little better. 

Kroc rows were awesome. Out of NOWHERE, there magically appeared a 110 dumbell, and I rowed it for 20 reps each arm. It was TOUGH, but felt really great. I'm just happy I can do them that heavy. Hopefully by the end of the summer I will be owning that dumbell. 
One day... I'll row with THAT dumbell

Next up was overhead pressing. I put 95 lbs on the bar and hit it for 3 max sets - 13, 8 and 6 reps, with 90 seconds rest. Got a nice shoulder and tricep pump. 

Finally, did 3 sets of 10 kipped pullups. These feel good when I do them at the end of the workout, because my lats are already tired, so I REALLY feel it in my back, rather than my grip first. Problem is, had a little bit of elbow pain later in the day. Not terrible, but it's a bad sign, and I REALLY don't want to set them off again. So, I think I'm going to restrict pullups to one day a week, and on Fridays I'm going to end my workout with Kroc rows instead. Hopefully, this will allow me to continue doing vertical pulls without hurting my elbows. I also might play around with doing the pullups on rings or with straps, to see if that lessens the torque and pain in my bows. 

Overall, it was a pretty great workout. Feeling fresh, feeling strong, and finally starting to lean out even more. Tomorrow is arms day, which should be fun (I think all the crossfitters will judge me though), and then thursday is MAX SQUAT! Can't wait. 

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