Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bad Santa

Today was a day where I felt like a piece of shit, if you will. Like "suckabagadicks" if you will. Like a sack of poo, if you will. Everything was fucking sore... my ass, my back, my fucking BICEPS were killing me. I think the stress of exams and moving just finally caught up with me. Add in the fact that I'm not used to sleeping here yet, and that I max deadlifted monday, and max squatted tuesday night (which I never do), and you have the perfect recipe for "shitty bones stew." If you will.

However, considering how bad I feel, my workout today was alright. I worked up to a heavy single, getting 295 pretty easy and then just missing 315. Normally, I would be mad, but considering how I felt i couldn't really be too surprised.

Next up, I lost the belt and did a big drop-set type thing. With very little rest, I hit a single at 295, then a set of 5 at 245, then 8 at 195, 10 at 145, and 15 at 95. At that point, my legs felt like they were going to fall off. So, I did a couple sets of really light deadlifts, just to feel out pulling the weight straight to my hips, rather than doing that weird hitch thing I do. Then, I grabbed an 88 lb kettlebell (one of the advantages of being at a crossfit gym instead of a shitty school gym), and did three sets of ten swings, which weren't hard but just made me move a little more before I called it a day.

Anyways, all things considered not a bad day. But I do feel like ass. My bones hurt. Probably, i'll take it pretty easy tomorrow, CHEAT LIKE A MOFO and give my body all the calories it needs to heal, then take both saturday and sunday off so that when I have to squat monday, I can go in fresh and ready to fuck shit up.

Get fucking ready. 

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