Thursday, December 6, 2012

Powerful legs day

Today was a great legs day.

Started with C&P squat and had a really great day. Worked up to 300 and crushed my 10 sets of 30 at that weight. Almost every rep was really solid. I was doing a good job keeping my hips forward today. My only real problems still come from me dropping my chest - even with my hips in a good position, when I drop my chest I get caught forward and have trouble getting it up. But as long as I think about keeping my chest up and sit my hips forward, the reps are awesome. And I was especially murdering the first rep of every set. On the 10th, got 4 reps. Should have been 5, but I just had a rough rep on 4 that was just stupid. Still very happy with this part of my workout.

Next, front squats went awesome. Even though I was tired out from the back squats, my form was feeling really good on this day. I hit 175 x 5, 195 x 5, and finally 220 for a veryy solid 5. That's a huge improvement. When I started this fall front squatting regularly, my max was 225 for an unbelted single, and today I practically repped that out for 5. Afterwards, I hit reps at 235, 245, and finally 250 for a new PR. Really awesome considering the amount of back and front squats I had done before.

Finally, did some deads. Felt a little slow and poopy on these at first, but hit 205, 285, 325, and finally 355 for 3 singles. The first one I was a little out of position and it felt hard, but even so I pulled it with a perfectly flat back. The other two were even faster, cleaner reps than the first, and both my back felt perfect on. really happy with these. Next week I'm gonna push for 365. It's gonna be tough after squats, but I think I can definitely get it for at least one nice single.

So overall, a really great workout. I tried to eat as much as I could after, and I'm gonna try and sleep ton tonight to avoid having another day like tuesday tomorrow. With any luck, I will fucking destroy my workout tomorrow as well. Lets keep at it.

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