Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bad Day

Today was a genuinely bad upper body workout. The first really rough one I have had in a while. I don't really know why. I ate a lot yesterday, slept well, and had a good mindset going into the gym. It could just be that yesterdays workout was really tough, and took a lot out of me, or that I am a little sick and tired out from finals looming. Could be that the progression is just catching up with me, and it's getting time to re-set. Or it could have just been a rough day, they happen. Either way, it was bad haha.

5/3/1 bench was rough. Right from the start, there was something a little off with my form. I don't know exactly what it was, maybe my back was stiff or tired from yesterday, but my positions were definitely off, even as light as 95 lbs. Still worked up, tried to fight for good technique the best I could, but the weight just felt heavy and the reps felt sloppy. Hit 155 x 5, 175 x 5, then 195 for a tough 5, failed the 6th rep. That's pretty bad considering I have gotten 200 x 5 more than once, and 190 x 9. Paused bench was also pretty rough, hit 170 for 3 very tough sets of 7, and then dropped to 155, but only got it for 8 - at that point I was feeling very tired and weak.

Kroc rows were a little better, but only really because I willed them to be. I forced out 45 reps each side. It hurt and made me want to throw up.

Strict press blew. I tried really hard to warm up slow and move the weight really fast an explosively, but I just felt slow and weak. 135 felt like shit, 155 felt heavy. I hit 165 for a solid rep, and thought I could make 175, but I missed it pretty badly. Again, this shows me it was just a bad day, considering that I hit 185 just a few days ago. I tried dropping back, but 155 felt horrendous, so I just dropped to 95 and did 3 x 3 as explosively as I could, to get my muscles firing right.

Finally, I tried to do some pullups but I was just too weak and slow, so instead I did some light lat pulldowns for a bunch of reps.

Overall, a surprisingly bad day. But I can't let it get in my head at all. I have been doing great lately, and I just can't expect to PR every day. I'll try and eat really well and rest up tomorrow, and hopefully crush both workouts at the end of the week. Lets keep at it.

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