Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fun strong day

Today was yet another very good day.

Decided to front squat today. I've never front squatted on saturdays, but my back is still too raw to back squat again, and front squat is a great way to limit the amount of weight I can use while still going heavy on a lift that I want to go heavy on. Warmed up a lot, hitting the bar for a few sets, then 95, 135, 165, 185, 205. Then hit 225 for a single, and form was really great. I was keeping my chest up and my hips forward, and most importantly I was moving the weight really fast and confidently. hit 235, 245, and 255 all for VERY solid singles, with 255 being a PR. Then, went to 265 and attempted it twice. Both reps were really good attempts, good form and good speed, but I just couldn't get it today. Still, a PR makes me very happy, and that 265 was CLOSE. that tells me that, with a belt, I am getting ever closer to my short-term goal of 275. Very cool.

Strict press felt awesome today. After the heavy front squats, nothing felt heavy, and the weight was flying up. I was going to do some heavy doubles today, but it felt so good I decided to just work up heavy. Hit 95, 135, 155, 165, 175, and finally 185 for 2 singles. Easier than last time I did this. Really happy that I got this weight again - I think it's due to the fact that I have been working on backing off the heavy work, and doing more lighter rep stuff to build up. In keeping with that, after the 2 singles I backed down to 155, and hit it for 3 sets of 3 fast and with good form.

So overall, great day. Front Squat PR and tied my strict press PR. Had a lot of fun too. Lets keep at it.

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