Monday, December 24, 2012

Max Squat (365)

Today was a big day

Took a ton of rest the past few days, trusting that it would help, not hurt, and it definitely paid off. This morning, I slept in, took a hot tub to get warm, and drank a nice big coffee over the course of the morning to get my energy up. And when I went in to the gym, my squats were on. Weight felt light, form was on point, and I was ready to hit some big singles.

Hit the bar for a couple sets of 10, then did my normal warmup, followed by another few reps with the bar. Then, loaded up 135 and hit it for two sets of 10. Then, 225 x 7, 265 x 4, and 305 x 2. All of them were moving really well, and the weight felt light on my back. Put on 335, and belted up. Weight moved well, a little harder than I might have liked, but very solid. Next, loaded up 350 - a 5 lb PR, and hit it really nicely. A little slow, but solid.

So, I loaded up 365. I knew it would be tough, but I felt like it was only worth going up if I was going to attempt 365. And I got it. It was a very tough rep, chest came down and forward and I really had to fight to get it up. But that is a huge PR, and a milestone lift for me. Really proud of that progress, and excited to keep at it - 405 is only 40 lbs away. Taking the weights back and really working my ass off and building back up, I think I am going to NAIL my goal in May.

So there you go. At the end of the summer, I totally changed my squat style and my max was only about 285. And now, 4 months later, I put 80 pounds on my squat - and surpassed my best squat EVER by 20 lbs. Really cool. Gonna keep resting, excited to bench wed and ESPECIALLY to deadlift friday! But for the most part, I'm just pumped to get back to regular training and SMASH some more PR's in the coming months. LETS KEEP AT IT. 

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