Saturday, December 8, 2012

Poop day + meets

Today was pretty shitty. no big deal though.

Started with overhead press. Decided not to squat on saturdays until my back skin is healed. I slept like shit last night and stuff so I wasn't expecting much. Weight was actually moving fairly well, despite the fact that my form felt off and I didn't feel great. I intentionally warmed up slow, hitting the bar for a bunch, then 95, 115, 135, 155 all moving easy. Then, for whatever stupid reason, I decided to all of a sudden make bigger jumps then I was used to. I went to 170 and really nailed it for a single, and then went straight to 185 and missed it. It wasn't a horrible miss, and honestly I don't know if it was because of strength or bad position or what. Either way, I'm happy to have crushed that 170. I just shouldn't have made stupid jumps.

Next, I decided to deadlift heavy just for fun, but that didn't get very far. It felt good to rip some lighter weights, like 135 and 185. But once I got to  275 I just didn't feel good at all. The weight felt heavy and my back and shoulders felt like shit. I decided to just stop. Mentally I did not want to work up if it was going to feel really tough. It's not a bad thing to have moved some moderate weight and used my back and legs a bit, but I'm glad I didn't go up any more.

So anyways a very unexciting day, but hopefully it gets me on the road to healing so I can have a good week next week.

ALSO had a few quick thoughts today. I think, after this christmas's maxes, I will from now on do my maxes in the form of a full meet. Practically, that is the way maxes should matter, and I want to physiologically get used to the way a meet feels. I'm thinking that I'm going to do it like this:

9 weeks on, rest week with "odd lifts" meet on wed. 9 more weeks on, rest week with Power meet on wed.

The odd lifts meet will be a way to mix things up and test some other important lifts. I'm thinking front squat, strict press, snatch grip deadlift.

WHICH brings me to my other idea: I have an open slot on mondays now that I was going to fill with glute/hamstring work, goodmornings and RDL's and stiffleg deads. But Now I'm thinking maybe I will do snatch grip deads instead. I think they will be fun and help build up a big back while also increasing my strength off the floor and building my posterior chain (although not as well as some other movements might.) I don't know, I'm going to think about it.

Anyways, Gonna rest up, study for finals, and try and wreck my workouts next week. Lets keep at it.

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