Friday, December 21, 2012

Final Workout

Final workout of these 6 cycles went awesome. I'm starting to feel tired, beat up, sore and achey, so I know it's time to take a rest. But I still was crushing weight today, and hit yet more PR's - the 10th day in a row. I would say my programming is ON POINT.

Started with bench. warmed up, and hit 95, 135, 185, and then went straight to 220. Overall, I was feeling a little bit achey and not perfect today, BUT I was nailing the weight. I crushed all 10 sets of 1, and on the final set I hit 2 really nice paused reps - nice enough that I tried and failed a third rep. Still, 2 paused reps at that weight is a big PR. I've made so much progress with my bench over these past few months, I should be very happy.

Next, I strict pressed. I was short on time today, AND on tuesday starting right at 135 actually felt really good, so I just started with my first work set. I felt a little stiff, but 135 x 5 moved well, as did 155 x 3. Loaded up 170, and went after it, getting a tough 3 reps. Again, a PR. Then, dropped back to 155 and hit it for 6 paused reps (another PR), and finally hit 135 for 10 paused reps. Had a lot of backwards lean today, but I was pushing really hard and the weight was heavy, so I think I can forgive it haha.

Finally, because I was short on time, feeling beat up, and already hit 3 PR's for the day, I decided to just do a ton of band pull aparts to work my back and then get the hell out of there. I deserve it - It's been an awesome few months of hard work. Now, I need to rest up and enjoy whatever heavy weights I can hit next week (PR's or no), and then get back at crushing the temporarily lighter weights hahaha. May go into the gym tomorrow and do some stuff, depends how I feel. Anyways, great workout, great last few cycles. Lets keep at it.

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