Saturday, September 8, 2012

Two more PR's

Had a really good day today. Despite feeling tired and beat up, I went in, took a longgg time warming up, foam rolling, stretching. Then I started squatting. Hit the bar for a couple sets, then 135 x 10, then 225 x 5. Jumped straight to 275 and hit it for a solid single - didn't feel amazing, but good, So I jumped right to 295. A little tougher than Ideal, but good. Went to 305, and again not easy, but solid. I went up to 315, knowing I could hit it, and that if I missed it it was no biggie and almost entirely mental. Psyched up like crazy, went for it and was about 6 inches from lockout when I got caught forward and couldn't push through. But I went for it again, psyching up. This rep was a little slower, more controlled and less smooth, but I managed to get it. That is a 20 lb PR with this new style, which is great. Next goal is to try and get comfortable with 315. Once I can hit it on pretty much any day, good or bad, I'll be that much closer to where I was with the other style.

Afterwards I felt good and decided to strict press heavy. pressed a random bar with like 75 lbs on it to warm up, then did 135 x 3, 135 x 1, 155 x 1 which FLEW up, and then hit 160. Nicee pr, it wasn't even that slow - so I went up to 165. Got it up over my head and was soooo close to locking it out, fighting for like 5 seconds, but couldn't quite get it. Still, a PR is nice, especially considering I just pressed a ton yesterday.

SO, feeling great, getting strong. Timeee and food. That's all I need.

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