Friday, September 28, 2012

Bench PR and Press rep PR

Today was a great day.

Started with Chaos and pain bench. Hit the bar for a slew, then 95 x 12 and 135 x 8. Then straight to 180 for 10 sets of 3. Since I did this with no problem last month, I decided to really focus on form. Lately, my paused reps have been feeling awesome, but with touch and go I tend to feel a little sloppy and I think that hurts me. With this 10 x 3, I really focused on moving the weight fast down and up, keeping it in a smooth path, and making all the reps the same with my back tight. It worked really well, all 30 reps were cake. After I finished, I went to 205 and destroyed it for a single, easiest rep I have ever hit at 205. Went straight to 215 and despite some nerves, crushed that too. Then, hit 215 again for a single a few minutes later - tougher and slower this time, but still got it. FINALLY. Been waiting on 215 for over a year now. Take away - move the weight fast and smooth, treat it just like a rep at 135.

Next, fucked up 5/3/1 strict press too. Hit the bar, then 105 x 5, 125 x 5, and finally 140 x 7. That's awesome, and a two rep PR. AND, I breathed out on the way up, which fixed my fucking dizziness and didn't seem to take any power away from my core. This movement just keeps getting stronger. Dropped back and hit 125 for 9 paused reps, and then 105 for 11 paused reps.

Next, upright rows with 130, blew up my biceps. I don't like doing high reps.... but my bench is going up, and I'm getting nice pumps from it, and it's really tough to go heavy with it, so I'm going to keep these in.

Next, 3 sets of pushups to failure. got 38, 22, and 16. I was tired of the 10 x 12 thing. I think instead I'm just going to do bodyweight pressing on this day, whatever sets and reps of whatever I want. Pushups, dips, HSPU, whatever. More to come I guess.

Finally, Lat pulldowns heavy for reps - did 200 x 3 x 10. Thees feel fucking amazing, except I almost got a hamstring cramp from squeezing into the floor hahaha. Anyways, gotta keep these heavy. Tried ending with a max set at a lighter weight, and that felt like shit. All heavy all the time on these.

SO, awesome day. Finally breaking all my pressing plateaus. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. I might wake up early and go lift, I might just skip. We will see. Either way, getting strong and having fun. That's the way it should be.

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