Saturday, September 22, 2012


Today was a stronger day.

I felt pretty good, took my time warming up and getting in the groove. Moved 135 pretty well and 225 felt alright too. Hit 275 for a nice double, and went straight to 315. I just kept myself calmer and imagined that it was exactly the same as 135, and the weight moved really nicely. Went up to 325 and did the same, and it was a really good rep - not easy, but not very hard either, good form and nowhere close to failing. That's a ten lb PR since switching styles. Hopefully I'll put up a video a little later.

After that, strict pressed. Yesterday was a pretty tough day and my warmups weren't feeling great, so I didn't expect too much. Hit a bar for a bunch, then 135 x 3, 135 x 1. 155 flew up, so I went straight to 170. I didn't really expect to make it, but I psyched up, got the adrenaline flowing, and then just imagined it was an empty bar and that shit moved NICE. again, not easy, but not even close to failing. That's insane. 170 is 15 lbs more than I could do 3 weeks ago. 175 is right around the corner now... that would be crazy.

After the heavy stuff, did really light leg press and incline pushups for a couple big sets. I'm gonna try and do that shit every saturday, flush blood through my muscles and my joints and reallyyyyy get them healing after the heavy work. Then on sundays, I'm ONLY going to stretch, no lifting at all. The way I felt thursday, after true rest wed, was awesome. Hopefully doing this will leave me physically and mentally EXPLODING for mondays workout, and I can keep getting stronger.

Anyways, time to eat and rest and heal.

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