Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pressing Power

Another powerful upper body day. Don't know what's happening, but I like it.

Started with 5/3/1 bench. Hit the bar and felt good. hit 95, 135, then 160 x 5, 180 x 3. Then I psyched up hard and hit 200. I crushed it for three. First two were cake, then I sort of paused the third rep and still nailed it. I SHOULD have stopped there, but I had friends yelling to go for another, and unfortunately it wasn't even close hahaha. Still, I've only ever hit 200 for a triple once, and this was FAR easier. And it wasn't unreasonable to try for 4... I just wish I hadn't.

Next, dropped back to 180. I was feeling really good, and ended up hitting it for 3 completely paused triples, which is pretty awesome. I really am loving paused work, it feels great to me and I think it is helping me a lot.

Finally, dropped back to 160. Last week, I felt like I didn't attack this portion of my workout enough, so I really psyched up and went after it and ended up with 12 reps, which is awesome at this weight. Definitely very happy with that. I paused some reps in the middle of the set too, hahaha, 9 and 10. I need to be careful, I like pausing a lot but I shouldn't get into the habit of doing it when I'm not supposed to. Not that it's going to hurt, but when the point of a set is max reps, I should go for MAX reps, and pausing is gonna hold that back. Anyways, still a great day benching.

Next, Kroc rows. attacked these a little more, and did them the "traditional" way, on an angle. Hit a set of 30 each side with the 100.

Next, killed strict press. Hit 95 for a few, then 135, 155 for easy singles. Went up to 160. I was insanely lightheaded after every rep, BUT... hit it for a tough single, then an easy single, then a tough single, then an easy single, then went up to 165 and hit it for a tough but very solid rep. Pretty insane. I couldn't even hit 160 2 weeks ago, and today I hit it for 4 singles and then 165 for a rep as well. My strict press is really going crazy. Gotta keep pushing it. Dropped back to 135, and hit it for a max set of paused reps, getting 7.

Finally, did a 5 x 5 of neutral grip pullups, which felt pretty solid. Think next week I'll do a couple max sets again.

Overall, sick day. That 200 x 3 bodes well for when I HAVE to hit 200 x 3 in a few cycles - remember, that's where I failed last time. Just gotta keep pushing, and I hopefully can ride this progression all the way to december with ease. Lets keep it up.

EDIT: went back to the gym later and stretched/benched up heavy. Hit 205 for 2 singles. Was actually HOPING to feel a little better, I was getting psyched to try for a new pr tonight, but the 205 was not easy enough to justify any attempt. Still, I'm happy I went up heavy, especially since I'm cheating this night, hopefully it will help me grow. That 215 PR is coming soon. though. Soon.

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