Thursday, September 27, 2012

Leg power

Had a powerful leg day today.

Started with Squats. felt a little tight and shitty today. hit the bar for 3 warmup sets, then 135 x 10, then 225 x 6, then straight to my work weight, 275. The ten x 3 was good today. Probably the best it has been since I started doing these kinds of workouts. there were a couple rough sets in the middle, where I got out of position and had to REALLY fight to lock a rep out - but honestly, I think this was due to the fact that I was using a shitty bent bar and it kept shifting on me. Overall, besides 4 or 5 rough reps my form was mostly very nice. I was catching a great bounce, especially on the first reps of my sets, and I didn't fail or even almost fail any reps. After hitting set 10, I decided to go up and hit a few singles. I hit a solid rep at 305, then hit 315 for an agonizing single. I didn't catch much of a bounce and it was SO slow coming up, but I still got it, and I'd say hitting 95+ percent after 30 reps at 275 is pretty good.

Next were front squats. High rep front squats are the worst, but I actuallt moved the weight really nicely today. Hit 155 and 175 for an easy 5, and even 195 mover really nicely, only a little struggle on the 5th rep. After that I jumped up heavy. Hit 225 for a nice single, then 235 for a tough rep - back started to round. I rested up and hit 235 one more time. the weight moved a lot faster this time, and there was less rounding. Pretty happy with that, that's 2 singles at my PR. Hopefully I'll be breaking that PR soon.

Third, deadlifted. These felt nice today, and I worked hard. Hit 205 x 2 singles, 285 x 2 singles, 325 for a solid rep, and then 335 for a nice rep with a flat back. It wasn't easy, but it was solid enough that I ALMOST tried another single... but I think I'll save that for next week. No rush with these. Just trying to keep the hips low and the back flat, and slowlyyyy get them heavier. Then, when I do them fresh, with a belt, and with a little more back rounding, hopefully I'll be able to pull a shitload.

Finally, finished off with 3 sets of hollow rocks and back extensions with a 25 lb plate. The weighted extensions feel awesome. I'm glad I took my time doing unweighted ones, it helped me feel out the movement, but now I'm going to really start to grow and strengthen my back with these.

Overall, awesome day. Worked my ass off, and now I'm eating a fuckload to try and grow my legs. I'm really excited for tomorrow's workout as well. Unfortunately, lifting saturday is going to be tough because of my schedule... but I'm really going to try and make it work. I've been PR ing that day pretty consistently, and I don't want to just skip it. We will see what happens.

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