Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Surprise strength

Today I was just dicking around, but had a really good day.

Decided to pause bench today, just for fun. Hit a bunch of warmups - 75, 95, 135, 165, 185. Then hit 205 for a single. It wasn't cake, but was solid, so I decided to go for a pr. Put 215 on the bar, and really was careful to keep calm and just have fun going after it hard. And I crushed it. It was so good that I decided to go up to 225. I wanted to feel nervous, but I kept myself calm and just imagined it was 135, and after a good rest I went after it and crushed it as well. It was awesome, not easy, but smooth. Probably at least as nice as the touch and go rep I hit it for just a few weeks ago. Really happy with this surprise, it's a 15 lb paused pr and ties my touch and go PR. Awesome.

Next, did another set of 100 curls with my light straight bar. These are totally fun and explode my arms, I'm definitely going to keep doing these when I get back to school in one form or another.

Finally, ended with some wrist curls, just for fun

Overall, it was a sick arms day. Gonna try and sleep a lot tonight, tomorrow is going to be a challenge haha. Can't wait.

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