Friday, November 9, 2012

PR Bench and Strict press

Awesome day today, which is great cause I can't train tomorrow. Gonna keep this short so I can go celebrate this fun as fuck workout.

Started with C&P bench. Warmups felt good, hit 185 x 3 reps and a 4th paused one before jumping straight to 210. All 10 singles at 210 were cake, hit the 10th rep for a nice paused single, then went straight up to 225 and nailed it for a single. Then, hit it again, just as a fuck you to the weight. Feels good to finally hit this, and both reps were really nice - hard but smooth. Gotta keep at it, bench is finally getting there.

Next, strict press went awesome too. warmed up, then hit 130 x 5, 145 x 3, and finally 160 x 4, which is a PR and felt awesome. It felt so good, in fact, that I went up, hit 175 for a nice single, then attacked 180 and nailed it for a tough but awesome new PR. I really focused on moving the bar fast and aggressively today, and it paid off. Dropped back and hit 145 for a paused 7, and then 135 for a paused 8.

Next, did upright rows, a big pyramid with increasing weight. Gonna keep playing with these, although heavy doesn't seem to be the best way to do them.

Next, played with floor pressing and dumbell pressing. nothing serious, just goofing off.

Finally, I'm sick of all my pulling except kroc rows, so I'm goign to be mixing it up and playing around more at the end of my workouts. Today, did heavy shrugs, up to 495 for 8. These were interesting. My upper back feels fried. Not sure how much I liked them, but I figure the heavy will be good for me, especially since I'm taking the weekend off. Gonna keep playing, like I said.

Lets keep at it. Awesome day.

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