Sunday, November 4, 2012

Second Bench Day

Saturday, did my second bench workout of the week. It was a little sleepy, but overall not bad.

15 x 2 bench at 200 was solid. I wasn't as energetic as I might have liked, and was a little softer than usual too, but even so the 15 sets of 2 really weren't much problem. Not cake, but not really hard at all. On the 15th set, I did my best to psych up, and hit 3 paused reps, missing pretty decidedly on the 4th. Still, that's pretty decent after already doing 28 reps.

Next, 5/3/1 strict press went well. hit 120 x 3, 135 x 3, then 155 x 4. I was hoping for 5, but 4 still ties my PR at that weight, and it was probably easier than last time - I went for a 5th rep, but didn't have it. lockout was giving me trouble today, on bench and on press. Maybe my triceps were just tired. Anyways, afterwards hit 135 x 8 paused reps, and then 120 x 10 paused reps, which I'm pretty happy about.

Gotta start channeling more Bane on slow days

Finally, cut the workout a little short because I had friends up. Just did a few sets of the standing cable rows, and a big set of cable curls to make up for my missed arm day hahaha.

Not the best workout, but not bad at all, especially considering that it was after a late night, and on a day I don't usually train, and I had people visiting so I was a little less focused than usual. Gonna rest up today, and then have lots of fun with my heavy stuff next week. Can't wait.

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