Monday, November 26, 2012

Ankle problems

So this weekend I twisted my ankle pretty bad, which blew. It was hurting the past few days and I couldn't really walk or move normally. Now, it's definitely not healed, but doesn't really hurt as long as I am careful to keep it in a good position. However, I decided to switch around my bench and squat days this week to give my ankle an extra day. It didn't bother me much today, so hopefully squatting will be fine tomorrow. 

Started with 5/3/1 bench. Hit 95 and 135 warmups, then straight to work sets. 170 x 5 and 190 x 3 were cake. Loaded up to 215, and had an internal battle to stay calm, as I was feeling very worked up. However, I maybe was a little too chill. I unracked, but felt a little bit loose and shitty. I hit it for a very solid double, but the second rep was just hard enough and my setup was just loose enough that I decided not to go for a third rep, even though I really wanted it. I really felt like I could have gotten it, however, so I decided to try the weight again. I made sure I was tighter on this set, and hit it for another double, but the second rep was tougher this time, so again I racked it. Still, two doubles at 215 is pretty good, considering I couldn't even bench that weight at the end of the summer. 

Paused bench, again, was the highlight. I dropped back to 190 and nailed it for 3 sets of 6 paused reps. That is pretty awesome. My paused bench continues to improve, and I think it is going to be pretty much equal to my touch and go soon. I'm thinking I might switch to doing basically all my benching, even 5/3/1, paused after xmas. We will see. After 190, I hit 170 for a max set of paused reps, getting 9 which is pretty good. I like pausing that last set. We will see how it feels at a lighter weight with more 

Kroc rowed the 100's for 40 reps each side. 

Strict press went well. Worked up to 175 and hit it for 5 singles. I missed my third attempt for whatever reason, but then I grabbed an empty bar and got my form and speed back, and got the next 3 attempts. Next tues, I will try and hit 175 for a few and 180 for a couple as well. Hopefully it will go well. 

Finally, did some speed pullups again, but added in some speed pressing as well. Pretty much, I did two pullups every minute on the minute, alternating grip between supinated and pronated, for ten minutes, AND as soon as I finished the pullups I grabbed 135 out of the rack and pressed it for a fast single. This was a pretty fun way to end the workout. I like it. 

So, a good bench day. Definitely getting stronger with bench and O. press. Tomorrow, squatting will be hard and heavy. I'm gonna try to just have fun with it, work hard without stressing too much. I'm excited. Lets keep at it. 

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