Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Pains, Rehab & Whatnot

So, I've been having some aches and pains lately that I've been meaning to write about. Here they are.

1) Shoulder: My shoulder is almost completely pain free now. However, it still is stiff and achey in certain positions, and that is starting to get on my nerves. Not sure whether it is left-over stiffness from when I snapped it up Klokov pressing, or when I hurt it doing dips/handstand pushups, or some combination. Anyways, in order to rehab it I am going to start doing a couple BIG sets of rear delt flyes at least a few nights a week. Did 2 sets of 30 tonight with a 10 lb dumbell, and it felt really good. I actually really like this movement, and might start using it as an accessory for my back. Maybe on Arms day, I will do a shitload of rear delt flies too, as a combination rehab/back movement. Anyways, hopefully I can get rid of that residual stiffness and ache in my left shoulder, so it feels fine in all ranges of motion again.

2) Calves: Lately when I squat I have been getting some serious calf pain. Not enough that it is crippling, but they HURT, and it makes my whole legs feel like shit. It's basically like a leg cramp, or a growing pain. Not sure what causes it, other than just the crunching and the tension throughout my whole lower body in a high bar squat. It doesn't seem sinister at all, as I've heard other people who squat high bar complain of the same thing. Hopefully in time it will work itself out, but in the meanwhile I'm going to try and be a little bit better about doing calf stretches on off days and even right before squat workouts, as I don't think that will hurt my performance at all.

3) Right knee: Again, nothing too bad, just some achiness that happens when I squat heavy. I still tend to have my left foot back a little bit and turned out a little further when I squat. I don't know if this is due to tightness in my right hip, or if one leg is longer than the other, or if it's just a bad habit. It seems to work itself out to a certain degree the warmer I get while squatting, and for now it doesn't seem to be a very big deal. However, it's almost always my right knee that gets achey when I squat, and I'm wondering if maybe i'm having trouble forcing it out quite as wide so it's being strained a little more? Don't know. I'm going to just try and be careful, and slowly but surely work on fixing this slight "crookedness." Overall though, the pain is mild at worse, and I think it's just due to going really deep with heavy weight. Still, worth mentioning.

Anyways, that's about it. Nothing major, hopefully all these things will get worked out sooner or later.

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