Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Bench Press 5/3/1

Today was another great day, with another PR in the books.

Started with 5/3/1 bench. Warmed up with a bunch of paused stuff and then got my touch and go form nice and crisp. then crushed 145 x 5, 170 x 5. Loaded up 190 and hit it, calm and smooth, for 9 reps. 9th rep was really tough but I got it. It was an awesome set. A little bit looser maybe tha It could have been, but still 9 reps is a huge PR - not only is it stronger than last month, when I got the same number of reps at 185, but it destroys my old PR at that weight, which was 4 or 5. Very nice.

Next, dropped back to 170 and hit it for 3 sets of 8 paused reps. By the last set it was pretty tough, but made it through all the same, and that is a lot of paused volume. I'm excited to hit 180 and 190 for paused sets, I think I will be able to do a lot of reps at those weights. Love paused bench.

Finally, hit 145 for a max set and got 16, which I am happy with. Tried to approach this like I have been approaching my other bench; imagining it is a lighter warmup set, and my form was better because of that. I tend to be tired for this set and get sloppy, but today was better than weeks past.

Next, Kroc rowed 100's for 38 each side, with a very short pause at rep 34. These are going very well. It's just really hard to breathe and keep tight through so many reps, AND it's no fun to do these without music. Hopefully I'll be getting a new ipod soon though. And these are an awesome exercize, so I'm definitely gonna keep at them no matter how much they hurt haha.

Strict press went pretty well. I was a little tired out and didn't feel as vicious as I would have liked to, but I still tried really hard to blast the weight. hit the bar, 95, 135, 155, then went up to 165 and hit it for 5 doubles. They were very solid, although on a few I felt weirdly like I was using a little leg drive. I don't think I was though. It was weird. Also, on a few sets I felt like my feet were a little too close together. But overall, I'm really happy with those 5 doubles. After them, I went to 175 and hit it for a tough but solid single, and this time I made sure there was no leg drive haha. Then I tried 180, but unfortunately did not have it. Still, pretty happy with this pressing.

Finally, ended with a big ass set of pullups. Strapped myself to the pullup bar and did 5 dead stop reps, then banged out another 20 kipping pullups. By the end, the reps were pretty bad hahaha, but I just kept pushing close to my limit. I definitely LIKE this better than doing sets of pullups. I don't know how much better for me it is, but I feel like it is 1) more fun, 2) gets some dead hang practice in, 3) hit my back really hard in one big set. And doing kipped pullups always seems to improve my ability to do dead hangs. So I think I might keep at this 1 huge set of pullups at the end of my workout, and see if I feel like it's helping.

Anyways, awesome day today. Still hitting PR's and feeling awesome. Lets keep at it.

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