Friday, November 23, 2012


Today was cool

Started with C&P bench. I was running kind of behind today so I took it kind of fast. At first I was feeling a little loose and shitty, maybe because yesterday was so hard or because I benched heavy on wed. Either way, as the sets went on I started feeling better and better. 15 x 2 at 200 was nice, and on the final set I hit 4 paused reps. It was a really solid 4 too, I attempted 5 but got stapled haha. Still, 4 is a very cool paused rep PR at that weight.

Next up was overhead press 5/3/1. hit a few warmups, then 125 x 3 and 140 x 3. Then, hit 160 x 4, which ties my PR at that weight. That's pretty good, but I was a little bummed just because I felt kind of  loose while doing those 4. I feel like if I tightened up and had a little bit better form on that set, I MIGHT have had 5 in me. But again, yesterday was ROUGH, gotta cut myself a little slack. I dropped back to 140 and hit it for 8 paused reps (9 was SO close), and then hit 125 x 11 paused reps, which is pretty cool.

Next, did pendelay rows, 135 x 3 sets of 8. Felt aight.

Next, Decided to do some more strict pressing. Loaded up 145 and set out to hit it for a 5 x 5 of paused reps. I got 3 sets of 5, then a set of 4 and 1, and another set of 4 and 1. It's too bad I couldn't quite get those final sets of 5, but still that's pretty good, and a lot of quality pressing volume.

Finally, did 5 sets of 3 chinups.

Overall, a good day. I probably will not lift tomorrow, so I'm just going to eat a lot and work on recovery. Next week is going to be CRAZY busy, but I will try my best to focus and work hard in the gym. The heavy weight will hopefully be lots of fun. Only 4 weeks of this program left, then it's time to max out and start the next phase of my training. Lets keep at it.

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