Monday, September 2, 2013

Squat 365 x 3

Great day today! The weekend was really busy and rough, so I had no time or energy to train at all, and I was nervous about how it would affect my squats today. However, I took like 20 minutes to stretch yesterday, and did a really great and thorough warmup today and ended up feeling absolutely amazing while squatting. My form was just on point, I didn't have to think at all about technique or position, and because of that I could just focus on making every rep insanely fast and powerful.

How I feel today

Started with the bar x 10 and I was feeling great. Then went through the most minimal ramping up I have ever done. Hit 135 x 5, 225 x 3, and 315 x 1. All felt crazy powerful, and CRAZY fast. I was a tiny bit soft on the last rep at 225, and a tiny bit forward on 315, but I was moving so fast and powerfully that it barely affected the rep. So, I loaded up 365, belted up, and went after it. Smashed the first rep, hit a really solid second, then simply sacked up, focused on speed, and hit a third. I hit a nasty nasty sticking point and it took some serious pushing and screaming, but I locked that shit out! My first real squat PR in a while, 365 for a triple. really happy about that. Strongest I have ever been.

Next up, dropped the weight to 135 and started doing some paused front squats. Lately, simply going up heavy on fronts has felt great, but I want to try and throw in some higher-rep shit every now and then, and some paused shit to help build my power. I think paused is especially good because it takes out the stretch reflex, which I have been nailing lately, as well as forces me to get a good stretch in the bottom, and to build my back, which I need. anyways, hit 135 x 5, 185 x 3, then 225 x 1 which was cake, so I went up to 245. I hit it for 10 paused singles, taking about 2 mins per rep. They got tough by the end, but the first few were very solid and strong. And, I doubled the 10th set, so that's awesome.

Finally, did some deadlifts to hit the back. Felt like going a little lighter today, and going strapless to work the grip a little. I worked in with some kids, and just hit what they were hitting, touch and go, from the floor. I pulled 145 x 10, 205 x 10, and then finally 295 x 10. Grip felt great, didn't feel very hard at all. My power is growing. A couple more weeks of pushing my squat, and a couple more sessions where I really train my back hard, especially with deficit pulls and back extensions. Once I nail a 405 squat,  and I have improved my back strength even further, it will be time to summon up some hate and, quite simply, destroy my pr deadlift. I think the next time I pull heavy, I have the potential to hit almost 500. How close I get is going to depend entirely on how hard I work these next few weeks to build my squat and back, and how much hate and raw emotion I am able to muster on the day of the max. I cannot wait.

So, great day. Squat PR, and some quality assistance work. I am so very excited to keep getting stronger. I know exactly what to do, and I am fucking doing it now. Only thing left is to keep at it.

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