Thursday, September 26, 2013

Speed squat 275 x 8 x 2

Good day today. Getting back on track.

Started with a nice long warmup, then hit up some speed squats. Decided to do some true speed work today, working up to 275 and hitting it for 8 doubles. Kept the rest really limited, and tried to focus best I could on form and speed. Hit the bar x 2, 95 x 2, 135, 185, 225 x 2, then went to 275. Did the 8 doubles in just about 8 total minutes, so I moved through them fast. Overall, they were good. A couple were a little slow, a couple were a little soft, and a couple were a little forward but overall they were solid, and towards the end when I focused on keeping the chest up, keeping tight and fast, they were feeling really good.

Next, dropped to 135 and hit it for some front squats. I haven't front squatted in what feels like weeks. 135 felt great, but I noticed as I went up the form was a little off - no real surprise, and the reason I wanted to get some front squats in in the first place. Hit 135, 185, 225 x 2, then jumped to 275. Decided not to belt up - partly cause I didn't want the temptation to go any heavier, partly because I want to be building my core and back, and partly cause I don;t think I have ever hit 275 beltless - and hit it for 3 singles. First was very solid, second was hard, and third was REALLY hard. Still, pretty happy with 3 singles at that weight, after not front squatting for quite some time. Especially beltless.

Finally, romanian deadlifts. I am committed to doing these this time around, to build the back and the glutes like never before. Today, kept it lighter - double overhand, 135 for 3 sets of 15. Felt good, pretty easy. I think I should keep these easy, and for higher reps. Definitely goign to be adding some weight though. Sets of 10-20, for like 50-100 total reps, with a w eight from like 135-225 should make a HUGE difference.

Anyways, good day. A little un-exciting, but I'm re-building the mentality I need for monday. Soon, I will be physically and mentally on track, and smashing some rep PR's (and then real Pr's) before I know it. Lets keep at it.

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