Monday, September 30, 2013

Squat 345 x 6

Good day today! I wasn't sure what to expect, for a few reasons. 1) It's been 2 weeks since I squatted anything over 275, 2) I didn't eat right, sleep right, or stretch at all this weekend. However, went really well.

Started with heavy stuff. Took a really long time warming up, as I was super stiff. However, I actually was feeling quite good. Lower back and right knee were especially stiff, but they loosened up. Started in on my squats. Felt a little awkward - I was trying to keep them really fast and smooth, and it was a little tough to keep them as fast as I wanted and as precise as I wanted. Hit the bar x 10, 135 x 5, both of which felt a little awkward. Hit 225 x 3 and the first rep was really slow and weird, but the others were okay. Went straight to 315 and it felt really strong, a little slow but pretty easy and solid. So, I jumped up to 345. Threw on the belt. I was a little scared of the weight today because it had been a while since I squatted heavy, but I tried to keep calm and focus. Hit it for an easy first rep. Second rep was solid, but I knew I needed to be faster so I sped the third rep up and it felt great, really easy. The 4th and 5th reps were a little weird, form wasn't ideal, and I did some weird stuff like jump my hand out on the 5th rep for no reason. Took a long rest before re 6 though, and hit it - it was really hard and slow, but I made it. Overall, really happy with that performance! 6 reps is good, period, but I also feel confident that, although it was a very hard 6, it could have been a LOT easier if form was more on point. So if I really tighten up my technique, I think I am going to be VERY strong these next couple weeks.

After the squats, just did some romanian deadlifts with 165 - hit 12, 12, 12, and 15. Feel these really well in my glutes and my forarms (all reps double overhand) but not so much my back. So I think I am going to try and do these significant;y lower, perhaps just touch n go deadlifts from now on. I think that will better hit my back and butt and grip all together.

Overall really solid day. Some quality hard work, and a really nice little squat PR. Gonna ger really strong with some focus, food and sleep these next few days. Lets keep at it.

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