Thursday, September 19, 2013

Speed squats and Deadlifts

Today was kind of shitty, but that's alright, that was sort of it's purpose.

Started with squats. Focus was really on speed today. Felt alright warming up, my calves and feet were just really tight and crampy because of the running yesterday. Hit a bunch of sets of 5, with the focus on trying to move the weight as fast as possible, and with nice technique. Hit: bar, 95, 135, 185, 225, 275, 225, 185, 135, 95, and finally the bar again. Overall it was pretty good, I had a couple ugly reps in there, two at 75 where I hit the bottom too soft and lost position forward, and one at 225 where I completely misfired and had to double bounce out of the bottom. But overall, did 55 reps, probably about 50 of which were fast and beautiful. so that's not half bad.

Next, onto speed deads. These felt kind of crappy, but there are a large number of reasons for this, not the least of which is my 405 squat on monday. But aside from that, I a) just squatted a bunch of reps really fast, b) ran the other day, which saps my energy and makes me tight, and c) haven't done real deadlifts in quite a while. Anyways, the point of this workout was just to re-grease the groove, get my nerves firing hard, and practice what it feels like to mentally and physically give a deadlift some real juice. Hit 225 for 5 quick singles, double overhand and without chalk, then went up to 315 and hit that for 5 single, mixed grip but without chalk. Didn't move as fast as I wanted, felt more awkward than I wanted, and my lower back wasn't feeling great, but that's okay. The point of today wasn't to be strong, it was to get everything working again.

Finally, I hit back extensions. Used a 25 lb plate, and hit 4 sets of 15.

So that's that. Simple workout. Nothing felt amazing today, but that's okay - the point is to prepare for monday. Now I got my squats feeling fast, my deadlift re-grooved and feeling fast, my lower back and glutes a little pumped. I just have to focus on really resting, sleeping, eating, and stretching these next few days, and I'm gonna feel great on monday. Then, when I'm feeling great, I just load up on pre-workout, energy drinks, great music, and get in the right mindset... and I'm gonna move a LOT of weight. Lets keep at it.

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